miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016

Search and Download Online Tool for World's Soils Geospatial Information: ISRIC SoilGrids

ISRIC SoilGrids is a system for automated soil mapping based on global soil profile and covariate data. SoilGrids1km is an output of spatial predictions produced using the SoilGrids system, i.e. a collection of updatable soil property and class maps of the world (ca 300 GeoTiffs) produced using machine learning and statistics. SoilGrids1km is a global soil data product generated at ISRIC ━ World Soil Information as a result of international collaboration and as a proposed contribution to the Global Soil Partnership initiative. SoilGrids contains 3D predictions and associated prediction accuracies of basic soil properties, following the GlobalSoilMap specifications: organic carbon, pH, texture fractions, coarse fragments, bulk density, depth to bedrock (R horizon) and CEC at six standard depths, and predictions for soil types based on the FAO's World Reference Base classes and USDA's Soil Taxonomy classes. More info at FAQ SoilGrids

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